
Git 标签

1. 标签的使用


2. 简单实用

root@k8s4:~/git_test# git log --oneline --decorat
495c011 (HEAD -> master) meger testing to master both modify a
65b3dce modify a on testing branch
41d0dd3 modify a on master
a369899 Merge branch 'testing'
21af5cc commit master in branch master
81cec5e commit test on branch testing
1afadfd modify a second
ccf4d94 modify a
26e567b rename a.txt to a
da4a5dd commit a.txt
e73cff4 commit a

3. 基本命令

git tag v1.0                                  # 当前提交内容打一个标签,方便回滚,每次提交都会打个tag
git tag                                       # 查看当前所有标签
git show v1.0                                 # 查看当前1.0版本的详细信息
git tag v1.2 -m 'version 1.2 release is test' # 创建带有说明的标签,
  -a 是指定标签名
  -m 是指定说明文字
git tag -d v1.0                               # 我们为同一个提交版本设置了两次标签,删除之前的v.10

4. 打标签

4.1 没指定特定的版本

root@k8s4:~/git_test# git log --oneline --decorat
495c011 (HEAD -> master) meger testing to master both modify a
65b3dce modify a on testing branch
41d0dd3 modify a on master
a369899 Merge branch 'testing'
21af5cc commit master in branch master
81cec5e commit test on branch testing
1afadfd modify a second
ccf4d94 modify a
26e567b rename a.txt to a
da4a5dd commit a.txt
e73cff4 commit a
root@k8s4:~/git_test# git tag -a v1.0
This is my v1.0 version 

4.1.1 查看打的标签

root@k8s4:~/git_test# git tag

4.2 指定特定的版本

root@k8s4:~/git_test# git log --oneline --decorat
495c011 (HEAD -> master, tag: v1.0) meger testing to master both modify a
65b3dce modify a on testing branch
41d0dd3 modify a on master
a369899 Merge branch 'testing'
21af5cc commit master in branch master
81cec5e commit test on branch testing
1afadfd modify a second   # 指定这个版本打标签
ccf4d94 modify a
26e567b rename a.txt to a
da4a5dd commit a.txt
e73cff4 commit a
root@k8s4:~/git_test# git tag
root@k8s4:~/git_test# git tag -a v2.0 1afadfd
root@k8s4:~/git_test# git tag

4.2.1 查看打的标签

root@k8s4:~/git_test# git show v1.0
tag v1.0
Tagger: leco <leco@leco.com>
Date:   Tue Jan 15 14:56:45 2019 +0800

This is my v1.0 version

commit 495c011cd59214a3d8de425203162e6af50f41be
Merge: 41d0dd3 65b3dce
Author: leco <leco@leco.com>
Date:   Tue Jan 15 14:38:27 2019 +0800

    meger testing to master both modify a

diff --cc a
index 3bf17cd,a2b2d32..db90531
--- a/a
+++ b/a
@@@ -1,3 -1,3 +1,4 @@@
+ testing

5. tag操作

5.1 通过tag 恢复版本


root@k8s4:~/git_test# touch b
root@k8s4:~/git_test# ls
a  b  master  test
root@k8s4:~/git_test# git reset --hard v2.0
HEAD is now at 1afadfd modify a second
root@k8s4:~/git_test# ls
a  b

5.2 删除tag

root@k8s4:~/git_test# git tag
root@k8s4:~/git_test# git tag -d v2.0
Deleted tag 'v2.0' (was 65b1d62)
root@k8s4:~/git_test# git tag